WDL Direct Lending
Invest in the future of Dutch SMEs
One-to-one investing in loans to professional real estate investors or SME businesses.
Direct contact? Call 073 - 44 00 300 or mail to info@wdl.nl.
WDL Direct Lending
One-to-one investing in loans to professional real estate investors or SME businesses.
Gross returns ranging from 7% to 12% per year
WDL Kredietfondsen has built a solid track record with WDL Direct Lending. Investor funds have been used to finance numerous commercial properties and business acquisitions.
We match investment propositions for business loans according to the preferences of investors. The decision to invest always remains with the investor.
When we have concrete propositions, we will contact you personally, either by phone or email. Therefore, it’s important for us to know the type of propositions you are interested in. Consider, for example:
€ 70.305.000
Total financed
Average gross return in 2024
Average Loan to Value
Number of defaults
€ 590.798
Average loan size
Average net return in 2024
36 maanden
Average loan term
€ 0
Write-offs or expected write-offs
For a no-obligation introduction to WDL Credit Funds, contact Ad Huisman at 06 12 94 86 76.
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